Gebr. Alexander

In 1782, the musical instrument maker Franz Ambros Alexander arrived in Mainz, the world famous town on the River Rhine, were Johannes Gutenberg had invented the art of printing. Franz Ambros was accepted into the trades guild and he founded a new company for the manufacture of fine musical instruments. Today, more than 220 years later, his company Gebr. Alexander is still owned and directed by the descendants of the founder.

Original manufacturing methods for fine orchestral instruments have been modernised over the centuries. Today, modern technology supports traditional methods wherever this improves the quality of an instrument. All improvements on instruments are due to the daily exchange of Alexander with top professional performers worldwide. Latest scientific research in instrument making is regularly evaluated and introduced into the manufacturing process.

Tradition and Progress

“Tradition and Progress” are the basis for the top position of Alexander Instruments in worldwide comparison. Thousands of letters of gratitude from all over the world are witness for the satisfaction of Alexander customers. Alexander Horns meet highest expectations. They are used in the best orchestras, in Schools and Universities and by many enthusiastic individuals.

Visit the Gebr. Alexander website for more information about the Company history and manufacturing.